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This Week In Gay History

Here are a few moments in LGBTQIA+ history that occurred this week:

  • January 18th
  • January 20th
    • Two years ago on January 20th, 2021, President Biden signs Executive Order 13988 “On Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation”. This was the fourth executive order by the Biden-Harris administration and was signed following the inauguration.
    • 63 years ago on January 20th, 1960, Judge Madden with the United States Court of Claims ruled against the United States Air Force in their decision to discharge a woman, accused of “homosexuality”, “under conditions other than honorable” without providing a court martial. Court Assails Air Force On WAF Morals Case, Evening Star (Article, January 1960).
  • January 21st

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